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One-Shot Wednesday

On Wednesdays, guess the Chicago-based movie or television show from one screenshot. 

The Breakfast Club

This close-up, low-angle shot of a piece of bologna stuck to a statue comes from The Breakfast Club, a 1985 teen movie directed by John Hughes and shot entirely in the northern suburbs of Chicago. 

During the film's lunch scene, Allison (Ally Sheedy), in disgust, throws a piece of bologna overhead, where it lands on a sculpture behind her. The character then makes a new sandwich—complete with white bread, wheat bread, butter, Pixy Stix, and Cap'n Crunch cereal. 

According to Sheedy, she settled on using that cereal "because the crunch was a very angry sound, and [Allison] was doing some things to get attention." Sheedy also remembers having to eat three of those concoctions, all of which "tasted really bad!"

Welcome to One-Shot Wednesday!

Think you’re a Chicago screen buff?

On Wednesdays, we post one still from a movie or TV show filmed or set in the Windy City. Your mission? Guess the title!

​​You've already seen this week’s image above. If you're feeling nostalgic, explore the full archive of past challenges to keep the fun rolling.

Psst: you're on screenshot:


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